Many of us have taken some kind of “personality test” at some point in our lives. One of the most popular tests is the Myers–Briggs test (MBTI), which results in a certain combination of five letters and a pleasant term describing a person’s character. As an example, ENTP-A, who is described as argumentative in nature. Or an ISFP-A who is described as a mediator. Unfortunately, many such tests lack a scientific basis and are more suitable for entertainment than a genuine personality test (although it is often implied that these would be reliable ways to test out personality).
The Big Five is practically the only personality test that is widely accepted by professionals, and has also had very strong scientific support behind it. Fortunately, now you know also that the Big Five is the reliable way to test your own personality.
By the way, what is the Big Five?
Big Five means the five most important and independent personality traits:
- Openness to new experiences is a trait that can be seen, for example, as curiosity and a rich imagination.
- Conscientiousness especially describes a person’s hard work, reliability and sense of purpose.
- Extraversion means a person’s desire to interact with other people and the outside world. Lower extraversion refers to a person being more comfortable alone and in their own inner world.
- Agreeableness, which can be briefly described as kindness, helpfulness and constructive consideration of others.
- The imbalance of emotional life (also neuroticism) is a trait that describes a person’s fickleness and sensitivity to experiencing negative emotions and being prepared for unpleasant events.
The test is actually pretty simple: you just choose how well different statements describe you. The strength of traits in personality is described by a numerical value, and for example a value of 60 in extraversion means that you are slightly more extraverted than introverted on the extraversion scale. In addition, for each trait, the test gives a description of what the obtained result means in general, i.e. what low openness to new experiences means in personality.
It is important to know about traits and testing results, that none of the traits are unequivocally good or bad, but that different traits and their amounts have different strengths, even if it doesn’t seem that way at first glance!
There are several pages on the Internet advertising that they offer a free Big Five test, but after doing the test it is revealed that in order to get the results you have to pay for a membership. Not so nice. At our website, you can take a free, high-quality and easy test, all the results of which you will receive immediately. We receive an anonymized test result, which we use to improve our algorithm for the benefit of our customers.